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Exhibitions in Brazil and Abroad


- Panorama of the Brazilian Comics - MAM, Rio de Janeiro, 1976.

- 1st Brazilian Exhibition of Theater Posters - several capitals of the country, 1982.

- 5th Exhibition of the Brazilian Design - Curitiba, 1983.

- 1st Show "Nikkey" by Charge Politica - Brasília, 1983.

- 1st National Salon of Humor of Pernambuco - Recife, 1983/84.

- Individual Exhibition, Nikkey Hotel, Petit Committee - Brasília, 1984.

- Illustrations by Jô Oliveira - Galeria FUNARTE, Brasília DF, 1984.

- 1st Biennial of Illustrations of Children’s and Youth Books - International Biennial of the Book, São Paulo, 1986.

- Salon of Humor of Piauí -Teresina, 1986/87.

- "20 Years of Comics - Jô Oliveira" - Cultural Space of 508 South, Brasília, 1994.

- "The Conquest of the Amazon" - Cultural Space of 508 South, Brasilia, 1994.

- "Visions of Emilia - the look of seven Brazilian illustrators", Banco do Brasil Cultural Center, Rio de Janeiro, 1996.

- "Popular Imaginary - paintings and stamps", ECT Art Gallery, Brasília, 1996.

- "Lampião - A trip through the Cangaço", Leide Moreira Cultural Marketing; Several prints on Lampião, 1999.

- 12th Salon Carioca de Humor - House of Culture Laura Alvim, Rio de Janeiro, 2000.

- 100 Years of Cordel - Collective - Sesc - Pompéia, SP, May 2001.

- International Comics Festival - FIQ - collective, Belo Horizonte-MG, 2001.

- International Festival of Humor of Piauí - individual, Teresina, 2003.

- Jô Oliveira: Image and Reading, a Northeastern Vision "- individual Centro Cultural Correios - Recife, 2011.

- RioComicon - International Comics and Pop Culture Fair, Rio de Janeiro, 2011.


- Official Illustrations Exhibition of Children's Books - Bologna Fair, Italy, 1980.

- Exhibition of Illustrations in Japan - Otani Memorial Museum of Nishinomyia, Japan, 1980.

- Illustrations Exhibition of Children's Book - Genoa, Italy, 1978.

- Mirlos Blancos Exhibition - Munich International Youth Library. Bologna, Italy, 1987.

- International Comics Show - Lucca, Italy, 1973/74.

- 1st Exhibition of Book Illustrators, Italy, 1978.

- 5th International Comics Exhibition - Napoli, Italy, 1983.

- "Illustrators of Books" - Sagittarius Gallery, Bologna, Italy, 1980.

- "Beasts of the Brazilian Comics" - Angoulême, France, 1986.

- "Brazilian Comics" - Prato, Italy, 1986.

- "Pinocchio dal Mondo" - Collective - Oratorio di San Rocco, Padova, Italy, 1991.

- "Pinocchio Cento Artisti dal Mondo" - Collective - Museo Miniscalchi - Erizzo - Verona, Italy, 1997.

- Comics to Combat Desertification - United Nations Convention - Rome, Italy, 1997.

- "Cinq Illustrateurs du Brésil" - Collective - Maison de L'Amerique Latine, Paris, France, 1998.

- Profili Dell'Illustrazione Brasiliana Contemporary - Collective - Galleria Cândido Portinari, Palazzo Pamphili, Rome, Italy, 1998.

- Pinocchio a Naso Lungo ... il Giro del Mondo - Bassano del Grappa, Italy, 1999.

- Настоящая Бразилия - Children's Public Library, Moscow, Russia, 2013/14.

- Бразилския Свят на Жо Оливейра (The Brazilian World of Jô Oliveira) - Sezoni Gallery, Sofia Bulgaria, 2019.

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